Rosa 'Aroyqueli'

42.14294815, -87.78515625

42.14788055, -87.78897095

42.14788055, -87.78896332

42.14796066, -87.78890228

42.14796829, -87.78889465

42.14797211, -87.78891754

42.14797211, -87.78890991

42.14797592, -87.78887939

42.14797974, -87.78888702

42.14798355, -87.78891754

42.14798355, -87.78890228

42.14798737, -87.78888702

42.147995, -87.78888702

Grandiflora Rose

Bred by Jack E. Christensen (Ontaria, Canada) and introduced in 1982 by Armstrong Nurseries, Inc., Gold Medal® grandiflora rose (Rosa 'Aroyqueli') is a mildly aromatic, stunning hybrid whose peach-colored buds open to double, cupped yellow blooms with delicate salmon to copper shading on the tips of the petals. Growing to 6 feet tall with a spread of 3 feet, Gold Medal® is disease resistant with few thorns, and an upright, branching habit.

Hardy from USDA Zones 6b to 10a, Gold Medal® rose holds up well in warmer climates, although blooms will fade to cream in temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
May - June
July - August
September - October
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
6 - 10