42.15224838, -87.78730774
42.15224838, -87.78730011
Forbes Glory of the Snow
Glory-of-the-snow is one of the earlier flowering spring bulbs. In April, six-petalled flowers appear on stalks 6-10" high, in clusters of 4 to 8. Leaves are narrow, strap-like and arching outwards. In the center of each flower is a small white cone encasing short white stamens tipped in yellow. The flowers of 'Blue Giant' are intense deep blue with a white eye zone. Native to Turkey, glory-of-the-snow is able to tolerate harsh winter conditions, but should not be planted in a moist situation. The genus name Chionodoxa literally translates to "snow glory".It is classed as a "minor bulb", with small bulbs and flowers, but it can have a big impact if planted in masses.