42.14105988, -87.7878952
42.14105988, -87.78788757
42.14143372, -87.78899384
42.14185715, -87.78865814
42.14202881, -87.78518677
42.14261246, -87.78713226
42.14261627, -87.78713226
42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14414597, -87.78567505
42.14440918, -87.78640747
42.14469528, -87.78581238
42.14789963, -87.79364777
42.14814377, -87.79171753
42.14818954, -87.79138184
42.14923096, -87.78624725
42.15016556, -87.7950058
Prairie Dock
Prairie dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum) is a distinctive native of the tallgrass prairie featuring leafless stems up to 10 feet tall topped by panicles of bright yellow, 3-inch-wide flowers. The leaves—some quite large—form a rosette not more than a couple of feet high that are cordate (heart shaped) and very rough.
Prairie dock is not fussy as to soils or soil moisture content and flowers best in full sun. The taproot can grow as deep as 12 feet and older plants will form offsets a foot or more away from the mother plant. Bees and hummingbirds are frequent pollinators, and goldfinches adore the seeds.