Veltheimia bracteata

42.14136887, -87.78543854

42.14709473, -87.79012299

42.14709473, -87.79004669

42.14712906, -87.79007721

42.14713287, -87.79008484

42.14717865, -87.79013062

Forest Lily

Forest lily (Veltheimia bracteata) is one of the showiest of the South African geophytes, plants that have some sort of storage organ to survive extended periods of drought. The showy, pink flowers are followed by large, flat, papery (when mature) seedpods that have adapted to wind dispersal. This genus is a tropical member of the hyacinth (Hyacinthaceae) plant family.

포레스트 백합은 남아프리카의 지중식물 중에서 가장 화려한 식물중의 하나입니다. 내부에 수분을 저장할 수 있어서 가뭄을 이겨낼 수 있습니다. 화려한 분홍 꽃이 지면, 크고 납작한, 종이같은 씨꼬투리가 곧 씨를 바람에 보낼 준비를 하며 핍니다.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
January - February
March - April
November - December
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 10