42.14809036, -87.78909302
42.14811707, -87.78966522
42.14813232, -87.78967285
42.14814758, -87.78966522
42.14815521, -87.78966522
42.14816284, -87.78968048
42.14817429, -87.78965759
42.14818192, -87.78968048
42.14818954, -87.78964996
42.14819336, -87.78966522
42.14819717, -87.78968811
42.1482048, -87.78964233
42.14822006, -87.78965759
42.14826965, -87.78927612
Wentworth Cranberrybush
Wentworth American cranberrybush viburnum was selected in the early 20th century and named for the farm in New Hampshire where it originated. White flowers in May are followed by red fruits, which can be made into preserves if not eaten first by birds. Fall foliage is red.
Viburnums are a versatile genus of multi-stemmed shrubs that are well suited to the home landscape due to their range of sizes and cultural adaptability. Some viburnums are noted for their fragrant flowers; most bear small fruit that may add visual interest. Many viburnums have attractive fall color. There are over 100 different varieties of viburnum at the Chicago Botanic Garden.