Gardenia care

I received a gardenia plant as a gift. How do I care for it?

You can successfully grow a gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) indoors as a houseplant. However, it takes specific cultural care to trigger bud formation. For flower buds to form, the plant needs to be subjected to night temperatures of 60–65 degrees Fahrenheit with daytime temperatures about ten degrees higher. In summer, place your gardenia plant outdoors in a part-sun location, avoiding midday sun. In winter, provide the plant with bright light and a little direct sun. The soil should be kept evenly moist at all times, and should not be overwatered. Set the pot on a pebble tray filled with water to raise the humidity. Take care not to spray the leaves to avoid fungal leaf problems. An acid-loving fertilizer should be applied monthly. Repot your plant every two to three years with an acidic potting soil.

Please contact Plant Information Service at (847) 835-0972 or for more detailed information.