Cuttings from favorite or unusual varieties of annuals such as geraniums, coleus, begonias, and impatiens can be taken this month, potted up, and brought inside to a south-facing window. Some tender unusual container plants can be brought inside as whole plants — hebe, black mondo grass, mandevilla vine, and certain small geranium plants are a few. Many gardeners prefer to repot the plants and change the soil to a fresh, lightweight, soilless mix at this time.
Houseplants that have spent summers outside should be monitored in the event of a premature frost. Check plants carefully for any sign of insect or disease before bringing them indoors. Gradually reintroduce these plants to indoor conditions. Consider repotting and changing soil at this time. Do not change size of pot until spring.
Amaryllis bulbs that have summered outdoors must begin their dormant period. Remove bulb from container and shake off all dirt. Cut back all foliage, whether it is yellow or green, and set bulb on its side in a cool, dark room for several months until new growth appears.
To create a winter herb garden, dig up selected herbs such as thyme, basil, rosemary, or oregano. Repot in smaller pots, change soil to soilless mix, and cut plants back. Gradually introduce plants to indoor conditions before bringing inside to a sunny windowsill. Herbs will put out new growth, but it won’t be as vigorous or as tasty as the summer crop.