
Alicia Foxx, Ph.D.

Alicia Foxx
Research Scientist
(847) 835-8321
Curriculum Vitae:
Research Interests:
  • Population and community ecology
  • Plant interactions
  • Restoration practice
  • Syntheses and meta-analyses
  • Meta-science and research practices
  • Inclusive science practices
  • Microbiome-plant trait relationships

I study how plant traits vary by populations and factor up to interactions that may influence whether species can coexist together in the long term. This is critical for understanding how the plants and their traits that we choose for restoration may hinder or promote restoration goals. I have an interest in root traits and I largely use restoration-targeted species in empirical research and use a broad set of species to draw inference on synthetic questions related to community ecology and rapid evolution. I also incorporate microbiome research into understanding plant traits and meta-science of syntheses in microbiome- and organismal-based research to improve best practices. I also focus on inclusive science practices to improve the experiences of historically excluded researchers in science. 

Selected Publications:

1.    Foxx A.J. (2022) Species variability in relative strength of intraspecific and interspecific interactions. Folia Oecologica; 49(2).

2.    Foxx A.J., Franco Melendez K.P, Hariharan J., K., Kozik A., Wattenburger C., Godoy-Vitorino F., & Rivers A.R. (2021) Advancing Equity and Inclusion in Microbiome Sciences. mSystems; 5(5): e01151-21.

3.    Foxx A.J., Wojcik S.* (2021) Plasticity in response to soil texture affects the relationships between a shoot and root trait and responses vary by population. Folia Oecologica; 48(2): 199-204.

4.    Foxx A.J. (2021) Induced plasticity alters responses to conspecific interactions in seedlings of a perennial grass. Scientific Reports; 11: 1-8.

5.    Foxx A.J., & Kramer A. (2020). Hidden variation: cultivars and wild plants differ in trait variation with surprising root trait impacts. Restoration Ecology; 29: e13336.

6.    Foxx A. J. & Kramer, A. (2020). Variation in number of root tips influences survival in competition with an invasive grass. Journal of Arid Environments; volume 179.

7.    Zeldin J., Lichtenberger T., Foxx A.J., Williams E., & Kramer A. (2020). Intraspecific functional trait structure of restoration-relevant species: Implications for restoration seed sourcing. Journal of Applied Ecology; 57: 864-874.

8.    Foxx A.J., & Fort F. (2019). Root and shoot competition lead to contrasting competitive outcomes under water stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 14(12): e0220674.

9.    Foxx A.J., Barak R., Lichtenberger T., Richardson L., Rodgers A.J., & Williams E. W. (2019). Evaluating the prevalence and quality of Conference Codes of Conduct. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (30): 14931-14936.

10.    Hintz L.*, Eshleman M., Foxx A.J., Wood T., & Kramer A. (2016). Population Differentiation in Early Life History Traits of Cleome lutea var. lutea in the Intermountain West. Western North American Naturalist. 76(1): 6-17.

Graduate Students:
Teagan LeVar - MS