
Anna Messina

Ecologist, Lakes and Shorelines
(847) 835-8241
Teaching and Research Affiliations:
  • Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden
Research Interests:
  • Aquatic ecosystems
  • Invasive plant management
  • Wetland bird and wildlife conservation
  • Aquatic macroinvertebrates
  • Shoreline design using native flora

As the Lakes and Shorelines Ecologist, I maintain around five miles of restored shoreline at the Chicago Botanic Garden. My role is primarily leading and assisting the seasonal aquatics crew with fieldwork during the growing season. Field management throughout the year includes planting native species, removing invasive species, managing algae both manually and with algaecide, native seed collection, water quality testing, controlled burns, and vegetation monitoring. Paired with fieldwork, my role includes surveying the lakes and shorelines to monitor species diversity, garden aesthetics, and shoreline stability.