
  • … New! … Enjoy an afternoon at Northwind Perennial Farm and discover the beauty of foraged flowers. Join Sharilyn for a walk and talk as she gathers flowers, branches, seedheads, …
    Type: Item Detail
  • … class is an enjoyable virtual experience you can take anywhere!  … New! … Curious about how to forage safely this fall for edible fruits, mushrooms, and nuts to add wild elements into your pantry? Join horticulturist Julia Zoltowsky in discussing the ethics and legalities of foraging while also learning about fall plants and fungi you can seek in your backyard and …
    Type: Item Detail
  • … … This bird is often heard, but less often seen, in shrubby areas or the McDonald Woods foraging for caterpillars. …
    Type: Birding
  • … species is often heard, but less often seen, in shrubby areas or in the McDonald Woods foraging for caterpillars. …
    Type: Birding
  • … … This tundra nester only visits the Garden in late fall through early spring. Look for it foraging for seeds on the surface of the snow in the Dixon Prairie. …
    Type: Birding
  • … many evergreens, especially yews and arborvitae, are favored by deer.  Arborvitae grazed by foraging deer will most likely survive, but may be permanently damaged. Yews generally will … but their size may be greatly reduced. To differentiate between snow-damaged shrubs and plants foraged by deer, check for scat and hoof prints. Although not entirely reliable, repellents may …
    Type: Plant Info
  • … In a colony, every bee has a specific job. The job of finding nectar falls to adults called foraging or field bees. When a forage bee arrives at a flower, it dips its tongue (or proboscis) into the nectar at the base, … (The frequent interlopers from other hives are escorted out or stung.) Guard bees recognize foragers both by the scent of the hive (from the queen’s pheromones) and the scent of …
    Type: Plant Info
  • … the richness of fall mushrooms in Illinois. Exhibits 50 to 100 varieties of mushrooms foraged from area forests in the days prior to the show. Members of the Illinois Mycological …
    Type: Event for Calendar
  • … One of many spineless prickly pear cactus bred and released by Luther Burbank as cattle forage in the arid Southwest around 1909, minute glocides (very small spines) must be burned off …
    Type: Garden Guide Plant
  • … vs. typical flowers for hummingbirds. Their field notes contained information on hummingbirds’ foraging rates at flowers and measurements of the nectar sugar concentrations; with this … the team was able to calculate the energetic profits that could be gained by a hummingbird foraging at either type of flower. What the team found was that typical and atypical flowers … than the other, and instead show considerable overlap in the energetic gain they offer to foraging hummingbirds. Many hummingbird conservation efforts focus solely on typical flowers. …
    Type: Blog