Adult Education class builds
item detail page
Styling Details
Pricing: no spaces
em-dashes: span of time use en-dashes (option -) and space in-between
9 – 10 a.m.
9 a.m. – noon
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
em-dashes: span of months use en-dashes (option -) and space in-between
April 3 – May 3
April 3 – 10
Online: body online text
This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be submitted online two days before your class starts. Registered students will receive login instructions one day in advance.
Example 1
Horticultural Therapy Certificate
Tuesday, March 21
6 – 7 p.m.
Example 2
Tuesday, April 18
10 a.m. – noon or
1 – 3 p.m. or
6 – 8 p.m.
Example 3
5 Mondays and 5 Wednesdays:
April 3 – May 3
6:30 – 9 p.m.
Example 4
7 Tuesdays:
March 7 – April 25
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
6 Saturday Garden Walks:
March 11 – April 22
8 – 10 a.m.
No class March 21 or 25 <small>No class March 21 or 25</small>
Example 5
Online 5 Mondays:
January 23 – February 27
6 – 7 p.m.
Example 6
Classroom 6 Saturdays:
January 28 – March 4
10 a.m. – noon
No class February 20
Early start 9 a.m. February 25
Rain date March 11
Example 7
9 Thursdays:
October 13 – December 15
9 – 10 a.m. or
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
No class March 21 or 25 <small>No class March 21 or 25 </small>
Example 8
10 Thursdays:
January 12 – March 16 or
April 13 – June 15 or
9 – 10 a.m. or
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Example 9 - multiple dates
9 class sessions, January – March
6 class sessions, April – June
9 class sessions
January 15 – March 19
No class February 5
January 16 – March 20
No class February 6
6 class sessions
April 2 – May 7 or
May 14 – June 25
no class June 4
April 3 – May 8 or
May 15 – June 26
no class June 5
8 – 9 a.m.
Music Event builds
events for calendar
Morning Builds
Thursday, June 8
10 – 11 a.m.
McGinley Pavilion
/music/evening/name of page
Classic Rock & Pop
Mondays: June 3 and 10
6 – 7:30 p.m.
$bp-xsm: 544px
$bp-sm: 768px
$bp-md: 1024px
$bp-lg: 1200px
$bp-xl: 1540px
$bp-xxl: 2480px
WYSIWYG Global Styles
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Heading 1 Link
Heading 2 Link
Heading 3 Link
Heading 4 Link
Heading 5 Link
Heading 6 Link
Small styles can be applied to headers, paragraphs & links by adding the small tag or small class as displayed in the examples below.
Heading 1 <small>
Heading 2 <small>
Heading 3 <small>
Heading 4 <small>
Heading 5 <small>
Heading 6 <small>
Paragraph small <small>
Heading 1 .small
Heading 2 .small
Heading 3 .small
Heading 4 .small
Heading 5 .small
Heading 6 .small
Paragraph .small
Colors can be used with any element. Headers, links, paragraphs, etc. can all have their colors changed by adding the following classes displayed below.
Subhead styles can be applied to headers, paragraphs & links by adding the .subhead classes as displayed in the examples below.
Paragraph .subhead
Paragraph .subhead--bold
.subhead--bold does not work with paragraph links
Paragraph .subhead--spaced
Paragraph link .subhead--spaced
Heading 1 .school
Heading 2 .school
Heading 3 .school
Heading 4 .school
Heading 5 .school
Heading 6 .school
Paragraph text size variations can be applied by adding the following classes to paragraph tags as shown below.
Paragraph .intro
Paragraph .lead
***Noted below are the styles that are currently missing from the WYSIWYG global styles, or they need to be altered, or they are old ones we would like to keep rather than replacing.
Paragraph .quote – for slightly larger, lighter & more spaced text to be used for quotes for example
Paragraph .visually-hidden – for comments we want to display:none on the front end
Styles can be applied to sections of content to change the look of an entire area, or adjust the page layout. Use a blockquote tag or a div tag + the following classes as displayed below.
Paragraph class="green-border"
Paragraph class="green-border"
Paragraph class="jumbotron"
Paragraph class="jumbotron"
Paragraph class="jumbotron"
H2 title inside a div class="jumbotron."
paragraph text inside a div class="jumbotron."
***Should we add flexbox grid, or any other column, block, div styles/classes to the CKeditor CSS?
Use inline styling
<hr class="green">
<hr class="mediumgreen">
<hr class="darkgreen">
<hr class="purple">
<hr class="blue">
<hr class="gold">
<hr class="orange">
<hr class="darkred">
***We need to fix the WYSIWYG image adding tools next. Examples that have been added using both tool options are shown below:
This image has been added via this tool
This is a caption has been added in a <p> under the image. The text does not stay within the width of the image if you add captions this way.
When using this tool to add images, It allows you to choose the alignment, add a caption or a link to the image, but there is no option to adjust the image size unless you adjust in code view.
This image has been added via this tool
When using this tool to add images, It allows you to choose the alignment, add a caption or a link to the image, and you can change the image size easily as well.
***We would like both of these image adding tools to have the same functions: the ability to adjust the image alignment, float, add a caption underneath that stays within the width of the image, add a link to the image, and we'd like to be able to adjust the image size. Currently some of these functions appear to be working when editing in the WYZIWIG editor, and some of them are actually working, but when the page is saved & viewed on the front end, then it's noticeable that some of the functions are broken... we need to test the alignment, float, caption & re-sizing functions in both image adding tools to make sure they are consistently working properly.
The images can float & push them to the right or left of text blocks or other images.
This is a paragraph that is next to an image with data-align="left". When adding an image using the WYSIWYG image adding tool it allows you to choose the alignment & add a caption. This code works if you do not use the WYSIWYG image adding tool as well. There is padding automatically added when you use this image adding method & choose to float left or right.
To make sure there is a line break between 2 rows of floating elements add a div class="clearfix" between rows.
This is a paragraph that is next to an image with data-align="right".
This paragraph was added after the "clearfix" so it does not not float next to the image, it shows up inline with the image.
These images, including their captions below, were added in the code editor and they are each within divs that have .col-sm classes added. The 1st image caption has the .small class applied to the <p> tag, and the 2nd image caption is within a <small> tag.
This is a caption with the .small class applied. This is a caption with the .small class applied. This is a caption with the .small class applied. This is a caption with the .small class applied. This is a caption with the .small class applied.
***Noted below are the styles that are currently missing from the WYSIWYG global styles, or they need to be altered, or they are old ones we would like to keep rather than replacing.
Paragraph .quote – for slightly larger, lighter & more spaced text to be used for quotes
style=color:#7a7e8a;font-size:115%;line-height:1.75;- Paragraph .visually-hidden – for comments we want to display:none on the front end
- Should we add flexbox grid, or any other column, block, div styles/classes to the CKeditor CSS?
***If the flexbox grid, or any other column, block, or div styles/classes should not be incorporated in the CKeditor CSS, then we would be interested in hearing your solution ideas (+ corresponding price quotes) as far as adding a new tool to the WYZIWIG editor to address the grid/column/block/div, layout styling.
***Eventually we need to get into the image tools too because there are issues with both WYZIWIG image adding tool options. We would like both of these image adding tools to have the same functions: the ability to adjust the image alignment, float, & size, add a link to the image, & an auto-styled caption underneath that stays within the width of the image. Currently some of these functions appear to be working when editing in the WYZIWIG editor, and some of them are actually working, but when the page is saved & viewed on the front end, then it's noticeable that some of the functions are broken... we need to test the alignment, float, caption & re-sizing functions in both image adding tools to make sure they are consistently working properly.
Original Test Type Page
Heading 1 Link
Heading 1 (subhead class)
Heading 1 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 1 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 1 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 1 (school class)
Heading 1 (small class)
Heading 2
Heading 2 Link
Heading 2 (subhead class)
Heading 2 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 2 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 2 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 2 (school class)
Heading 2 (small class)
Heading 3
Heading 3 Link
Heading 3 (subhead class)
Heading 3 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 3 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 3 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 3 (school class)
Heading 3 (small class)
Heading 4
Heading 4 Link
Heading 4 (subhead class)
Heading 4 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 4 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 4 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 4 (school class)
Heading 4 (small class)
Heading 5
Heading 5 Link
Heading 5 (subhead class)
Heading 5 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 5 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 5 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 5 (school class)
Heading 5 (small class)
Heading 6
Heading 6 Link
Heading 6 (subhead class)
Heading 6 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 6 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 6 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 6 (school class)
Heading 6 (small class)Headings
Heading 1 Link
Heading 1 (subhead class)
Heading 1 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 1 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 1 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 1 (school class)
Heading 1 (small class)
Heading 2
Heading 2 Link
Heading 2 (subhead class)
Heading 2 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 2 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 2 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 2 (school class)
Heading 2 (small class)
Heading 3
Heading 3 Link
Heading 3 (subhead class)
Heading 3 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 3 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 3 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 3 (school class)
Heading 3 (small class)
Heading 4
Heading 4 Link
Heading 4 (subhead class)
Heading 4 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 4 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 4 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 4 (school class)
Heading 4 (small class)
Heading 5
Heading 5 Link
Heading 5 (subhead class)
Heading 5 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 5 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 5 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 5 (school class)
Heading 5 (small class)
Heading 6
Heading 6 Link
Heading 6 (subhead class)
Heading 6 (subhead--bold class)
Heading 6 (subhead--spaced class)
Heading 6 (subhead and blue classes)
Heading 6 (school class)
Heading 6 (small class)
Paragraph (subhead class)
Paragraph (subhead--bold class)
Paragraph (subhead--spaced class)
Paragraph (subhead and blue classes)
Paragraph (intro class) - A professional development certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden shows that you have drive, commitment, and an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of a subject. Graduates have used their certificates to help them get a new job, raise, or promotion—or simply as a starting point to pursue a passion.
Paragraph (quote class) - A professional development certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden shows that you have drive, commitment, and an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of a subject. Graduates have used their certificates to help them get a new job, raise, or promotion—or simply as a starting point to pursue a passion.
Paragraph (lead class) - A professional development certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden shows that you have drive, commitment, and an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of a subject. Graduates have used their certificates to help them get a new job, raise, or promotion—or simply as a starting point to pursue a passion.
Paragraph (no adjustments) - Colors can be used with any element. Headers, links, paragraphs, etc. can all have their colors changed by adding the following classes displayed below.
Paragraph (small tag) - A professional development certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden shows that you have drive, commitment, and an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of a subject. Graduates have used their certificates to help them get a new job, raise, or promotion—or simply as a starting point to pursue a passion.
Paragraph (small class) - A professional development certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden shows that you have drive, commitment, and an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of a subject. Graduates have used their certificates to help them get a new job, raise, or promotion—or simply as a starting point to pursue a passion.
Colors can be used with any element. Headers, links, paragraphs, etc. can all have their colors changed by adding the following classes displayed below.
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 3
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 3
- List item 1 with small tag
- List item 2 with small tag
- List item 3 with small tag
Definition List
This is a term.
This is the definition of that term, which both live in a
.Here is another term.
And another definition too.
Secondary tabs
Basic table class="table"
ART Required Core Courses | Prerequisites |
Botanical Drawing 1* | None |
Botanical Drawing 2 | Botanical Drawing 1 |
Another option for table class="table table-striped"
ART Required Core Courses | Prerequisites |
Botanical Drawing 1* | None |
Botanical Drawing 2 | Botanical Drawing 1 |
Guatemala: The town of Chichicastenango celebrates Santo Tomás Festival for a week leading up to December 21.
McGinley Pavilion
This dramatic canopied terrace is a breathtaking setting for a summer party, dance, meeting, or reception.
Located at the water's edge across from the Garden's Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon, McGinley Pavilion is available for rentals from May through October (heaters and clear side walls are available).
McGinley Pavilion's Waterfront Patio has spectacular views of Evening Island.
Sit-down dinner with dance floor | 230 |
Sit-down dinner | 270 |
Cocktail reception | 350 |
Wedding ceremony | 125 |
Theater | 148 |
Classroom | 96 |
English Walled Garden
For old-fashioned romance, nothing rivals the secluded charm of the Helen and Richard Thomas English Walled Garden. A variety of English gardening styles are demonstrated in this lovely space, ideal for a cocktail party before dinner in McGinley Pavilion. The English Walled Garden is also an exquisite site for a wedding ceremony. An indoor back-up space is always reserved when this space is requested. Available May through October, evenings only.
Cocktail reception | 250 |
Wedding ceremony | 175* |
* Unique seating arrangement
McGinley Pavilion
This dramatic canopied terrace is a breathtaking setting for a summer party, dance, meeting, or reception.
Located at the water's edge across from the Garden's Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon, McGinley Pavilion is available for rentals from May through October (heaters and clear side walls are available).
McGinley Pavilion's Waterfront Patio has spectacular views of Evening Island.
Sit-down dinner with dance floor | 230 |
Sit-down dinner | 270 |
Cocktail reception | 350 |
Wedding ceremony | 125 |
Theater | 148 |
Classroom | 96 |
English Walled Garden
For old-fashioned romance, nothing rivals the secluded charm of the Helen and Richard Thomas English Walled Garden. A variety of English gardening styles are demonstrated in this lovely space, ideal for a cocktail party before dinner in McGinley Pavilion. The English Walled Garden is also an exquisite site for a wedding ceremony. An indoor back-up space is always reserved when this space is requested. Available May through October, evenings only.
Cocktail reception | 250 |
Wedding ceremony | 175* |
* Unique seating arrangement