Museums For All

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Museums for All?

Museums for All is a cooperative initiative between the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), and a growing number of museums, botanic gardens, and arboreta to encourage increased and regular museum attendance by low-income and underserved families. 

How does Museums for All work?

Any family that qualifies for state food assistance and is in possession of an EBT card (known as the Link card) or WIC ID can simply present the card upon entry to the Garden at the gatehouse for free parking, and at our Welcome Plaza ticket booths for free admission.

Is there a limit to the number of people allowed entry under the Museum for All rate?
Access is limited to one passenger vehicle per cardholder. There can be as many people as possible in the car, but only one person in the vehicle needs to have the valid EBT/Link or WIC ID. Please have your passengers with you as you approach the admission ticket booths to take advantage of this offer.

What does the Museums for All rate include?

Access to our Garden seasonal attractions, such as Model Railroad Garden, Butterflies & Blooms, and tram tours. Weather permitting and based on availability. Daytime and evening ticketed events, dining, and the Garden Shop are not included in the Museums for All program.

Do other cultural institutions participate in Museums for All?
The program continues to add new partners. Visit to find other participating institutions throughout the country.

Is there a limit to the number of Museums for All visits an EBT or WIC cardholder can make within a year?
Illinois EBT card or WIC ID holders can visit the Chicago Botanic Garden as many times as they like and receive the Museums for All rate each time.