Botanical Arts Certificate
5 Saturdays:
May 10 – June 14
1 – 4 p.m.
No class May 24
Botanical Arts Certificate
5 Saturdays:
May 10 – June 14
1 – 4 p.m.
No class May 24
New! The beauty of the watercolor medium lies in its looseness and unpredictability. You will learn specific techniques to achieve fluidity through wet applications of paint using larger brushes, and letting go of the control that leads to tightness. By allowing the paint to mix on the paper, you will achieve a fresh look. Class may visit the outdoor gardens for inspiration. Dress for the weather. Watercolor or gouache media. A supply list will be sent. The School’s CEUs=15 hours. ART elective.
Thomas Trausch, artist, TWSA master status
Design Studio, Regenstein Center