Adult Education - Hydrangeas

Garden in Miniature Container Workshop

Sunday, April 29, 2018, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.


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New! Shrink your perspective and see just how rewarding creating miniature gardens in containers can be. Inspired by the work in the Gardening in Miniature books by Janit Calvo, this special workshop includes all of the instruction and materials needed to create a living, miniature garden in an outdoor container. With proper care and placement, your container should live outside for several years. Learn how to apply standard design practices to create a perfect miniature garden. Please also register for the Gardening in Miniature Demonstration if you are attending this workshop. Register for this class and Gardening in Miniature Demonstration and save ten percent. Please call 847.835.6801 to receive the discount, between 9 am and 5 pm.

Janit Calvo, miniature gardening expert and author
Classroom 6, Learning Center

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