How to Propose an Exhibition
The Chicago Botanic Garden is eager to learn of unique, high quality exhibitions that could be displayed in our exhibition gallery.
If you have an exhibition idea or collection that you would like us to consider, please make sure that it complements the Garden's mission.
Please send the following:
- Digital images on a USB/thumb drive (15 – 20 images) with an image list
- A one- to two-page summary of the exhibition
- A preliminary checklist and/or exhibit script (if available)
- The curriculum vitae of the artist and/or curator
- Any supplementary material concerning the exhibition, including catalogs, press coverage, etc.
- Preliminary budget, including sources of financial support
- Self-addressed, stamped (with appropriate level of postage) envelope to ensure return of materials. Any materials submitted without this requirement will not be sent back and will be available for on-site pickup only.
Proposals are not accepted by email or in person.
Materials should be mailed to:
- Chicago Botanic Garden
Attn: Exhibition Proposal
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, Illinois 60022
If your proposal is selected for further consideration, you may be asked to provide more detailed information for a presentation to our advisory panel.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your proposal.