Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs
Grow New Ideas
Our certificate program is designed both for professionals at all levels and for people who want to pursue a passion. We offer courses for busy adults online and on-site at our 385-acre campus. You’ll learn the latest developments in the field and get immersive, hands-on training from Chicago Botanic Garden staff members and industry experts.
Certificate Programs are offered in the following areas of interest:
New to certificate courses?
Our flexible program allows you to participate in courses that meet your interests and goals. Go at your own pace. You can advance a career goal, make a career change, explore a passion, or simply learn something new. Embrace the unique opportunity to have interactive learning opportunities that draw upon the Garden’s extensive plant collection and resources.
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Anyone who is interested!
hobbyists and curious learners looking to perfect a skill or pursue a passion
aspiring professionals or new career seekers looking to explore a promising new career path
industry workers in pursuit of a promotion or raise
experienced professionals gathering the latest up-to-date knowledge
All are great examples of who will benefit from our Certificate Programs.
should sign up for Certificate Programs?
No Prerequisites!
To begin the program no prerequisites or prior experience requirements are needed to sign up for introductory level classes. Students of all skill levels are welcome.
You do not need to be pursuing a certificate to participate in a course.
Post-introductory courses may require a prerequisite. Please verify you have met the prerequisites for individual courses before registering to ensure a positive course experience.
prerequisites are required to sign up?
All the time!
We offer evening, weekend, and weekday courses. The weekday course options are primarily for the Botanical Arts and Photography Certificates.
We have a flexible course schedule with a one-class-at-a-time commitment, allowing you to navigate the certificate program at your own pace.
are classes offered?
We offer courses online, on-site at the Chicago Botanic Garden, and a combination of both online and on-site formats.
One of the benefits of pursuing a certificate at the Chicago Botanic Garden is the access to Garden resources, experienced staff, and variety of instructors.
are classes located?
You are in the right place.
Get started…
Select your certificate of interest to find program information.
Browse available courses.
You can sign up…
Online at any time of day or
Contact the Call Center at (847) 835-6801 during posted hours.