Martin, Purple***

Description: The Garden's largest member of the swallow family is the purple martin. Look for them flying around or perched on the large, aluminum birdhouses on poles at various locations around the Garden.

Anyone walking the Garden perimeter in spring and summer is sure to notice the mini apartment complexes filled with purple birds flying in and out of their homes and calling “pew-pew.”   

These purple martins, fascinating to watch, would not be here if it weren’t for the man-made apartments carefully tended by Garden staff, including Jim Steffen.

Lark, Horned

Description: One of the earliest nesting species in our region, this grassland species is most often seen flying over in spring, but occasionally lands in the Dixon Prairie.

Kinglet, Golden-crowned

Description: This tiny migrant is most often seen in wooded areas in very early in spring and late in fall.

One day in early spring, two dainty birds, just 4 inches long, wearing golden crowns on their heads, flitted below eye level among the still-bare branches at the Helen and Richard Thomas English Walled Garden. Using their thin, tiny bills, they snatched the first of spring's emerging insects and larvae hidden in branches.

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