
Description: This shorebird may be seen and heard throughout the Garden near bare ground, gravel areas, or on the rooftop garden of the Plant Conservation Science Center.

Junco, Dark-eyed

Description: The junco is a very common migrant and winter resident. It can be found in most habitats at the Garden.

Those of us who live in northerly climes refer to our family and friends who head south for the winter as snowbirds. A different kind of snowbird comes to northern Illinois for the winter. It's the dark-eyed junco, a chatty, active bird that brightens the woods, shrubby areas, and conifers at the Garden and in northern Illinois backyards.

Jay, Blue***

This attractive member of the crow family can be seen and heard around the Garden.

The blue jay is undisputably a handsome bird. With its deep blue plumage and matching crest contrasting with a white belly, a blue jay serves as a beacon of color on a cold, leafless winter day.

Though this species has a bad reputation for robbing eggs from other birds' nests, squirrels and crows, in turn, raid the nests of jays.

There's much to admire about the blue jay, which belongs to the Corvidae family, one of the most intelligent of bird families.

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