Woodpecker, Pileated
Description: The largest and rarest woodpecker at the Garden may be spotted in the McDonald Woods.
Description: The largest and rarest woodpecker at the Garden may be spotted in the McDonald Woods.
Description: This year-round Garden resident is most often found in the McDonald Woods or Barbara Brown Nature Reserve.
Description: The most common year-round woodpecker at the Garden is frequently spotted-especially in the McDonald Woods and Barbara Brown Nature Reserve.
Description: This elusive, medium-sized shorebird is known for its distinctive courtship flights at dusk in early May. It can be seen on the ground in wet woodland areas.
Description: Look for this woodland-nesting flycatcher in the McDonald Woods or in the Barbara Brown Nature Reserve.
Description: If spotted, this rare visitor would likely be on a large lawn area or along a lake shore.
Description: This duck may be seen on the lakes, but it does not dive.
Description: A member of the goat-sucker family, this cryptic woodland bird is known for its distinctive call at night. It roosts on the ground in the McDonald woods but is difficult to find.
Description: Large flocks of this species are often seen in the fall and winter in fruiting trees, or elsewhere around the Garden.
Description: When this rare northern bird visits, it is usually in fruiting trees, and it often accompanies cedar waxwings.