Warbler, Wilson's
Description: Look for this common migrant warbler in any wooded habitat at the Garden.
Description: Look for this common migrant warbler in any wooded habitat at the Garden.
Description: Look for this common migrant warbler in any wooded habitat at the Garden, especially areas with standing water.
Description: This uncommon migrant may be found in any wooded habitat in late spring and early fall.
Description: This rare southern visitor is most likely to be seen in McDonald Woods.
Description: This uncommon migrant may be found in any wooded habitat in late spring and early fall.
Description: Look for this common migrant warbler in any wooded habitat at the Garden.
Description: Look for this breeding species in the shrubby areas of the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This rare southern visitor may be seen throughout wooded habitats.
Description: Look in open areas like the Dixon Prairie, or elsewhere around the Garden, for this warbler that is common at the Garden during its long migration stopover.
Description: This rather rare southern visitor is most likely found in the McDonald Woods.